About us

Overview collaborations and timeline

Founded in 2018, Vanarix is a start-up headquartered in Lausanne, (Switzerland) with offices and laboratory located at Starlab/Biopôle in Epalinges (Lausanne region, Switzerland). The company has developed and patented an innovative advanced cell therapy medical product to repair cartilage defects. In 2022, a First-In-Man study (phase I/IIa) with Autologous Cartibeads™ began. In 2024, a First-In-Man (phase I/IIa) study with allogeneic Cartibeads™ followed. An overview of the Vanarix timeline is presented below :

Overview of Vanarix’s collaborations and timeline :



Since its creation, Vanarix is collaborating with several clinical sites for their ongoing clinical trials: the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (Lugano), Balgrist University Hospital (Zurich), Geneva University Hospital (Geneva), and at the Centre de Médicine du Sport et de L’exercice in Hirslanden Clinique La Colline (Geneva).
Cartibeads™ manufacturing is performed in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) specific for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). Currently Vanarix outsources this to the Lugano Cell Factory (Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano, Switzerland). The center obtained Swissmedic authorisation in 2008 and was the first centre in Switzerland specialising in the production and development of cell therapies.

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