About Us

Cartilage regeneration microtissues

We offer a new solution to treat cartilage lesions. Indeed, once damaged, cartilage has a very limited capacity for self-repair and, if left untreated, often evolves into osteoarthritis, the most common joint disorder.
We have developed and recently patented a method for the production of Cartibeads™, which are the first high-quality hyaline cartilage microtissues resembling native articular cartilage. This innovative product aims to regenerate cartilage damage and targets focal lesions and early osteoarthritis.
Preclinical data have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Cartibeads™ in the treatment of focal knee injuries. We are now ready for the first-in man study planned for 2021: patient recruitment at the University Hospitals of Geneva and Clinique la Colline, Hirslanden Group, Geneva, Switzerland.

We are passionately commited to improving patients’ lives.


A novel tissue engineering solution
to repair cartilage defects

Cartibeads ™, the first autologous hyaline cartilage microtissues of high quality, designed for everyone whatever your age

We solved a key problem encountered in cell therapy using chondrocytes (cartilage cells) : the dedifferentiation and loss of function of cells during expansion in culture

Thanks to our patented technology , dedifferentiated chondrocytes regain their full capacity to synthesize a hyaline matrix

Cartibeads ™ are cartilage microtissues composed of chondrocytes surrounded by their own releasing hyaline matrix

Deposition of Cartibeads™ in cadaveric donor

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